This was the very first iteration of The Coloring Book, I found this skirt that looked like a color by numbers at a Goodwill, and figured a few sharpies could make the look, a kind of gag for the festival. Little did I know how powerful and transformative it would be to offer up myself as a canvas for the community’s creativity. There’s something really special about giving someone the opportunity and space to create, it really lights them up, when was the last time someone asked you if you want to draw? Or sing? or dance? The Coloring Book invites you back to your roots, a form of nostalgia, and of expression, that for some may be a passing scribble, but for others might mean the world.


Started in the Spring of 2016, The Human Coloring Book Project (THCBP) formerly “The Coloring Book” is an Interactive Roaming Art Project designed and performed by Soldati (among others).   THCBP seeks to enlist the public in creating collaborative works of art by creating and holding space at the individual level.  With THCBP the act of creating comes to you and presents the public with the opportunity in the here and now, whenever or wherever that might be.  THCBP has been sighted in several major cities across the US, at various festivals along the west coast and may just be hiding around the very next corner, ever ready for you to create! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Anything, Anywhere

We’re here to embrace the mess of life


Who we are

An Immersive Art Experience including characters, installation, performances and more.

  • Roaming “Blank Canvas” Characters audience can write/draw/paint/color/etc on 

  • Communal, Creative, Curative

  • It is our belief that art is therapy, and plays a major role in the development of our identity.

  • Our Goal is to one day collect the art of every person in the world in one massive collaborative art project, one artwork at a time.

Holding space for your imagination

For however long you need, we’re here. Seriously.

What we Do

When was the last time someone asked you if you want to make art?

We ask people to create because we even bad art is good therapy, and we all know we could definitely use a bit more healing and self expression in the world today.

We encourage creativity in the here and now for everyone. Literally, right now.

Getting comfortable creating on a body has a way of breaking barriers in a safe environment where people can have fun.

We hold space for everyone however long they need in order to feel satisfied with their creation and their creative act.

How we Do

  • Performance - going out into the community, to events, roaming and performing, holding space for and inspiring people to create art.

  • Installation - building a Coloring Book dome for anyone to create in, on and around with 360 time lapse camera to watch the art develop.

  • Games & Events - Throwing Art Parties, immersive events and running large scale games to showcase and explore the intersection of Creativity and Play.

  • Retail - Online store, markets and pop ups to sell the completed works of The Coloring Book and eventually crafting high end “experience outfits” for guests to have their own Coloring Book experience.

  • Art/Fashion - The Coloring Book comes to the runway and the gallery.

  • Narrative - The ongoing post-apocalyptic clown epic where art solves the emotional hang ups of violent war lords in a ecologically collapsed planet Earth.

  • Documentary - The Coloring Book goes abroad working with local and indigenous designers to craft historically and culturally accurate costumes and discovering what people from around the world would want to share of themselves, through art, with the world.